Book Cover Design

The Problem:

In this project, I am working to solve the problem of taking the modern classic novel and sparking new interest in the book for a different audience. The novel The Giver is one that remains a staple in the US education system. Discussing the importance of the ability to choose and knowledge of the past through the lens of a dystopian world. I wanted to bring the dated cover into a new light playing off of the book’s themes of color and connection into the cover in a more graphic and non-descript way. Bringing the modern classic to a new audience of teenage readers. 

The Solution:

I created a cover design that lends itself well to the themes of the book while also drawing a brand new group of readers to this older novel. After re-reading the lovely story again I remembered the importance that color and physical connection played in the novel. Leaning off of those ideas I created a cover that feels fresh and new, without describing the charters too much and that leans on the themes that the reader will later be able to pick out from the book. I feel like the new cover will open teen readers again to this beautiful story and the important themes that Lois Lowery discusses. 


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